The Semi-Loose Powders

The Semi-Loose Powders

Revised for greater ease of use, the legendary powder is now travel-friendly and has been reinvented in a semi-loose version that you can take with you for touch-ups throughout the day. The formula is identical with the same result. Only the application technique has changed.
Inside its compact case, the pressed powder is released with the action of the half-moon brush. Find out how to apply it step by step in the tutorial video.

7 products

Semi-Loose Powder Invisible

Semi-Loose Powder
52,00 €
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Semi-Loose Powder Translucide

Semi-Loose Powder
52,00 €
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Semi-Loose Powder Naturelle

Semi-Loose Powder
52,00 €
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Semi-Loose Powder Noisette

Semi-Loose Powder
52,00 €
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Semi-Loose Powder Radieuse

Semi-Loose Powder
52,00 €
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